hey, I'm siddharth 👋

I am a high-school freshman intensely interested in the fascinating realms of Mathematics, Machine Learning, and Neuroscience, and their collective potential to pave the way towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence.

Einstein's Blackboard at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford.
An airplane viewed from below against a dark background, highlighting its white fuselage and green engine covers.
Sidekick Sam Character
A stack of textbooks.
A Neural Network that looks like the brain.
Porsche GT3RS along the twisty roads of the Swiss Alps
As part of this fascination, I engage in independent research along a few related fronts, which I hope will serve as a stepping stone towards my larger goal of contributing meaningfully to the field of NeuroAI and AGI. I am currently investigating:

I'm also passionately working on my startup, Sidekick Sam-logoSidekick Sam, an AI-driven platform revolutionizing the K-12 educational experience by providing every student with their own personal AI sidekick, a companion that adapts to their unique learning style, supports their emotional well-being, and guides them through the complexities of academic life and college preparations.The features currently in development are:

In my free time, I love to play simulators, video games, read books and solve puzzles, especially escape rooms.


I try to periodically jot down interesting things that I come acorss in my TIL (Today I Learned) column, sharing insights, discoveries, and fascinating facts that pique my curiosity.